Interface ValidatableObject

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AspectImpl, AspectTypeImpl, JourImpl, JourTypeImpl, PointcutImpl, PointcutTypeImpl, TypedefImpl

public interface ValidatableObject
extends XMLSerializable

This interface is implemented by generated classes to indicate that the class supports validation.

Method Summary
 com.sun.msv.verifier.DocumentDeclaration createRawValidator()
          Gets the schema fragment associated with this class.
 java.lang.Class getPrimaryInterface()
          Gets the main interface that this object implements.
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jour.config.impl.runtime.XMLSerializable
serializeAttributes, serializeBody, serializeURIs

Method Detail


public com.sun.msv.verifier.DocumentDeclaration createRawValidator()
Gets the schema fragment associated with this class.


public java.lang.Class getPrimaryInterface()
Gets the main interface that this object implements. For example, FooImpl will return Foo from this method.

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