Uses of Interface

Packages that use Instrumentor

Uses of Instrumentor in net.sf.jour

Fields in net.sf.jour declared as Instrumentor
(package private)  Instrumentor[] Interceptor.instrumentors
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Methods in net.sf.jour that return Instrumentor
static Instrumentor[] Config.getInstrumentors(java.lang.String className)
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Constructors in net.sf.jour with parameters of type Instrumentor
Interceptor(javassist.ClassPool pool, java.lang.String className, Instrumentor[] instrumentors)
          Creates a new Interceptor object.

Uses of Instrumentor in net.sf.jour.instrumentor

Classes in net.sf.jour.instrumentor that implement Instrumentor
 class AbstractInstrumentor
          TODO Add docs Contributing Author(s): Misha Lifschitz (Inital implementation) Vlad Skarzhevskyy (Inital implementation)
 class ExceptionCatcherInstrumentor
          TODO Add docs Contributing Author(s): Misha Lifschitz (Inital implementation) Vlad Skarzhevskyy (Inital implementation)
 class InstanceCounterInstrumentor
          TODO Add docs Contributing Author(s): Misha Lifschitz (Inital implementation) Vlad Skarzhevskyy (Inital implementation)
 class MethodExecutionTimeInstrumentor
          TODO Add docs Contributing Author(s): Misha Lifschitz (Inital implementation) Vlad Skarzhevskyy (Inital implementation)
 class ProfilerContextInstrumentor
          TODO Add docs Created on 09.12.2004 Contributing Author(s): Misha Lifschitz (Inital implementation) Vlad Skarzhevskyy (Inital implementation)
 class ProfilerInstrumentor
          TODO add docs Created on 02.12.2004 Contributing Author(s): Misha Lifschitz (Inital implementation) Vlad Skarzhevskyy (Inital implementation)

Methods in net.sf.jour.instrumentor that return Instrumentor
static Instrumentor InstrumentorFactory.createInstrumentor(java.lang.String instrumentor, PointcutListFilter pointcuts)
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