Interface Summary | |
GrammarInfo | Keeps the information about the grammar as a whole. |
NamespaceContext2 | Maintains namespace<->prefix bindings. |
PrefixCallback | |
SAXUnmarshallerHandler | Unified event handler that processes both the SAX events and error events. |
UnmarshallableObject | Generated classes have to implement this interface for it to be unmarshallable. |
UnmarshallingContext | Methods exposed by the unmarshalling coordinator object to the generated code. |
UnmarshallingEventHandler | Implemented by the generated code to unmarshall an object from unmarshaller events. |
ValidatableObject | This interface is implemented by generated classes to indicate that the class supports validation. |
XMLSerializable | For a generated class to be serializable, it has to implement this interface. |
XMLSerializer | Receives XML serialization event This object coordinates the overall marshalling efforts across different content-tree objects and different target formats. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractUnmarshallingEventHandlerImpl | Convenient default implementation of
to minimize code generation.
ContentHandlerAdaptor | Receives SAX2 events and send the equivalent events to
XMLSerializer |
DefaultJAXBContextImpl | This class provides the default implementation of JAXBContext. |
Discarder | UnmarshallingEventHandler implementation that discards the whole sub-tree. |
ErrorHandlerAdaptor | Receives errors through ErrorHandler and reports to the
SAXUnmarshallerHandler . |
GrammarInfoFacade | This class is a facade to a collection of GrammarInfo objects. |
GrammarInfoImpl | Keeps the information about the grammar as a whole. |
InterleaveDispatcher | Splits the unmarshalling events to bracnhes to support XML Schema's <all> and RELAX NG's <interleave> This class will be extended by the generated code. |
InterningUnmarshallerHandler | Filter SAXUnmarshallerHandler that interns all the Strings
in the SAX events. |
MarshallerImpl | Implementation of Marshaller interface for JAXB RI. |
MSVValidator | XMLSerializer that calls the native interface of MSV and performs validation. |
NamespaceContextImpl | Implementation of the NamespaceContext2. |
SAXMarshaller | XMLSerializer that produces SAX2 events. |
SAXUnmarshallerHandlerImpl | Implementation of UnmarshallerHandler .
UnmarshallerImpl | Default Unmarshall implementation. |
UnmarshallingEventHandlerAdaptor | Redirects events to another SAX ContentHandler. |
Util | |
ValidatingUnmarshaller | Filter implementation of SAXUnmarshallerHandler. |
ValidationContext | Maintains information that needs to be stored across validations of multiple objects. |
ValidatorImpl | Validator implementation of JAXB RI. |