1   /*
2    * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
3    *
4    * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License
5    * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included  with this distribution in
6    * the LICENSE.txt file.
7    */
9   package net.sf.jour.log4j;
11  import java.net.Socket;
12  import java.io.IOException;
13  import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
14  import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
17  import org.apache.log4j.*;
18  import org.apache.log4j.spi.*;
20  // Contributors:  Moses Hohman <mmhohman@rainbow.uchicago.edu>
22  /***
23     Read {@link LoggingEvent} objects sent from a remote client using
24     Sockets (TCP). These logging events are logged according to local
25     policy, as if they were generated locally.
27     <p>For example, the socket node might decide to log events to a
28     local file and also resent them to a second socket node.
30      @author  Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml;
32      @since 0.8.4
33  */
34  public class ProfilerSocketNode implements Runnable {
36    Socket socket;
37    LoggerRepository hierarchy;
38    ObjectInputStream ois;
40    static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ProfilerSocketNode.class);
42    static int instanceCount = 0;
43    int instanceNumber;
45    public ProfilerSocketNode(Socket socket, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
46      this.socket = socket;
47      this.hierarchy = hierarchy;
48      this.instanceNumber = ++instanceCount; 
49      try {
50        ois = new ObjectInputStream(
51                           new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream()));
52      }
53      catch(Exception e) {
54        logger.error("Could not open ObjectInputStream to "+socket, e);
55      }
56    }
58    //public
59    //void finalize() {
60    //System.err.println("-------------------------Finalize called");
61    // System.err.flush();
62    //}
64    static long eventCnt = 0;
65    long thisEventCnt = 0;
67    public void run() {
68      LoggingEvent event;
69      ProfilerEvent pEvent;
70      ProfilerEventExt pEventExt;
71      Logger remoteLogger;
72      Logger pLogger;
73      long prnCnt = 0;
74      try {
75          	/*
76              while (true) {
77                  // read an event from the wire
78                  event = (LoggingEvent) ois.readObject();
79                  // get a logger from the hierarchy. The name of the logger is taken to be the name
80                  // contained in the event.
81                  remoteLogger = hierarchy.getLogger(event.getLoggerName());
82                  //event.logger = remoteLogger;
83                  // apply the logger-level filter
84                  if (event.getLevel().isGreaterOrEqual(remoteLogger.getEffectiveLevel())) {
85                      // finally log the event as if was generated locally
86                      remoteLogger.callAppenders(event);
87                  }
88              }
89              */
90          	pLogger = hierarchy.getLogger("Profiler");
91          	while (true) {
92          	    String eventName;
93          	    long numEvents = 0;
94          	    // read an event from the wire
95          	    Object o = ois.readObject();
96          	    if (o instanceof ProfilerEvent) {
97          	        pEvent = (ProfilerEvent) o;
98              		pLogger.debug(pEvent);
99              		eventName = "ProfilerEvent";
100             		numEvents = 1;
101         	    } else if (o instanceof ProfilerEventExt) {
102         	        pEventExt = (ProfilerEventExt) o;
103             		pLogger.debug(pEventExt);
104             		eventName = "ProfilerEventExt";
105             		numEvents = 1;
106         	    } else if (o instanceof ProfilerEvent[]) {
107             	    ProfilerEvent[] events = (ProfilerEvent[]) o;
108             	    for(int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
109             	        pEvent = events[i];
110             		    pLogger.debug(pEvent);
111             	    }
112             	    eventName = "ProfilerEvent[]" + events.length;
113             	    numEvents = events.length;
114         	    } else if (o instanceof ProfilerEventExt[]) {
115             	    ProfilerEventExt[] events = (ProfilerEventExt[]) o;
116             	    for(int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
117             	        pEventExt = events[i];
118             		    pLogger.debug(pEventExt);
119             	    }
120             	    eventName = "ProfilerEventExt[]" + events.length;
121             	    numEvents = events.length;
122             	} else if (o instanceof LoggingEvent[]) {
123             	    LoggingEvent[] events = (LoggingEvent[]) o;
124             	    for(int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
125             	        event = events[i];
126             		    remoteLogger = hierarchy.getLogger(event.getLoggerName());
127             		    if (event.getLevel().isGreaterOrEqual(remoteLogger.getEffectiveLevel())) {
128                             // finally log the event as if was generated locally
129                             remoteLogger.callAppenders(event);
130                         }
131             	    }
132             	    eventName = "LoggingEvent[]" + events.length;
133             	    numEvents = events.length;
134         	    } else {
135         	        event = (LoggingEvent) o;
136         	        //  get a logger from the hierarchy. The name of the logger is taken to be the name
137                     // contained in the event.
138                     remoteLogger = hierarchy.getLogger(event.getLoggerName());
139                     //event.logger = remoteLogger;
140                     // apply the logger-level filter
141                     if (event.getLevel().isGreaterOrEqual(remoteLogger.getEffectiveLevel())) {
142                         // finally log the event as if was generated locally
143                         remoteLogger.callAppenders(event);
144                     }
145                     eventName = "LoggingEvent";
146                     numEvents = 1;
147         	    }
149         	    eventCnt += numEvents;
150         	    prnCnt += numEvents;
151         	    thisEventCnt += numEvents;
153                 if (prnCnt > 2000) {
154                     System.out.println("Cnt=" + eventCnt + " " + this.instanceNumber + " " + eventName);
155                     prnCnt = 0;
156                 }
157         	}
159         } catch (java.io.EOFException e) {
160             logger.info("Caught java.io.EOFException closing conneciton.");
161         } catch (java.net.SocketException e) {
162             logger.info("Caught java.net.SocketException closing conneciton.");
163         } catch (IOException e) {
164             logger.info("Caught java.io.IOException: " + e);
165             logger.info("Closing connection.");
166         } catch (Exception e) {
167             logger.error("Unexpected exception. Closing conneciton.", e);
168         }
170         logger.info("Event count:" + thisEventCnt + " of " + eventCnt);
172     try {
173       ois.close();
174     } catch(Exception e) {
175       logger.info("Could not close connection.", e);
176     }
177   }
178 }