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1   //
2   // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v1.0.3-b18-fcs 
3   // See <a href=""></a> 
4   // Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema. 
5   // Generated on: 2004.12.16 at 07:09:42 EST 
6   //
8   package net.sf.jour.config.impl.runtime;
10  import java.util.StringTokenizer;
12  import javax.xml.bind.Element;
13  import javax.xml.bind.ParseConversionEvent;
14  import javax.xml.bind.ValidationEvent;
15  import javax.xml.bind.helpers.ParseConversionEventImpl;
16  import javax.xml.bind.helpers.ValidationEventImpl;
17  import javax.xml.bind.helpers.ValidationEventLocatorImpl;
19  import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
20  import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
22  import com.sun.xml.bind.JAXBAssertionError;
23  import com.sun.xml.bind.unmarshaller.Messages;
25  /***
26   * Convenient default implementation of
27   * {@link com.sun.xml.bind.unmarshaller.UnmarshallingEventHandler}
28   * to minimize code generation.
29   * 
30   * <p>
31   * For historical reasons, sometimes this type is used where
32   * {@link com.sun.xml.bind.unmarshaller.UnmarshallingEventHandler}
33   * should be used.   
34   * 
35   * Once an exception is in the form of UnmarshalException, we consider
36   * it to be already reported to the client app.
37   */
38  public abstract class AbstractUnmarshallingEventHandlerImpl implements UnmarshallingEventHandler
39  {
40      public AbstractUnmarshallingEventHandlerImpl(UnmarshallingContext _ctxt,
41          String _stateTextTypes ) {
43          this.context = _ctxt;
44          this.stateTextTypes = _stateTextTypes;
45      }
46      public final UnmarshallingContext context;
48      /***
49       * Text type of states encoded into a string.
50       * 'L' means a list state.
51       */
52      private final String stateTextTypes;
54  //
55  //
56  // methods that will be provided by the generated code.
57  //
58  //    
59      // internal events
60      public void enterElement(String uri, String local, String qname, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
61          unexpectedEnterElement(uri,local,qname,atts);
62      }
63      public void leaveElement(String uri, String local, String qname) throws SAXException {
64          unexpectedLeaveElement(uri,local,qname);
65      }
66      public final void text(String text) throws SAXException {
67          if(isListState()) {
68              // in list state, we don't need to care about whitespaces.
69              // if the text is all whitespace, this won't generate a text event,
70              // so it would be just fine.
72              StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(text);
73              if( tokens.countTokens()==1 ) {
74                  handleText(text);
75              } else {
76                  while(tokens.hasMoreTokens())
77                      // the handler can be switched during the text processing,
78                      // so the current handler has to be obtained inside the loop
79                      context.getCurrentHandler().text(tokens.nextToken());
80              }
81          } else {
82              // otherwise process this token
83              handleText(text);
84          }
85      }
86      protected void handleText(String s) throws SAXException {
87          unexpectedText(s);
88      }
89      public void enterAttribute(String uri, String local, String qname) throws SAXException {
90          unexpectedEnterAttribute(uri,local,qname);
91      }
92      public void leaveAttribute(String uri, String local, String qname) throws SAXException {
93          unexpectedLeaveAttribute(uri,local,qname);
94      }
95      public void leaveChild(int nextState) throws SAXException {
96          this.state = nextState;
97      }
100     /***
101      * Checks if the current state is marked as a list state.
102      */
103     protected final boolean isListState() {
104         return stateTextTypes.charAt(state)=='L';
105     }
108     /*** Current state of this automaton. */
109     public int state;
114 //
115 //
116 // utility methods
117 //
118 //
119     /*** Called when a RuntimeException is thrown during unmarshalling a text. */
120     protected void handleUnexpectedTextException( String text, RuntimeException e ) throws SAXException {
121         // report this as an error
122         reportError( Messages.format(Messages.UNEXPECTED_TEXT,text), e, true );
123     }
125     /***
126      * Last resort when something goes terribly wrong within the unmarshaller.
127      */
128     protected void handleGenericException( Exception e ) throws SAXException {
129         reportError( e.getMessage(), e, false );
130     }
133     protected final void dump() {
134         System.err.println("state is :"+state);
135     }
136     private void reportError( String msg, boolean canRecover ) throws SAXException {
137         reportError( msg, null, canRecover );
138     }
139     private void reportError( String msg, Exception nested, boolean canRecover ) throws SAXException {
140         context.handleEvent( new ValidationEventImpl(
141             canRecover? ValidationEvent.ERROR : ValidationEvent.FATAL_ERROR,
142             msg, 
143             new ValidationEventLocatorImpl(context.getLocator()),
144             nested ), canRecover );
145     }
146     protected final void unexpectedEnterElement( String uri, String local, String qname, Attributes atts ) throws SAXException {
147         // notify the error
148         reportError( Messages.format(Messages.UNEXPECTED_ENTER_ELEMENT, uri, local ), true );
149         // then recover by ignoring the whole element.
150         context.pushContentHandler(new Discarder(context),state);
151         context.getCurrentHandler().enterElement(uri,local,qname,atts);
152     }
153     protected final void unexpectedLeaveElement( String uri, String local, String qname ) throws SAXException {
154         reportError( Messages.format(Messages.UNEXPECTED_LEAVE_ELEMENT, uri, local ), false );
155     }
156     protected final void unexpectedEnterAttribute( String uri, String local, String qname ) throws SAXException {
157         reportError( Messages.format(Messages.UNEXPECTED_ENTER_ATTRIBUTE, uri, local ), false );
158     }
159     protected final void unexpectedLeaveAttribute( String uri, String local, String qname ) throws SAXException {
160         reportError( Messages.format(Messages.UNEXPECTED_LEAVE_ATTRIBUTE, uri, local ), false );
161     }
162     protected final void unexpectedText( String str ) throws SAXException {
163         // make str printable
164         str = str.replace('\r',' ').replace('\n',' ').replace('\t',' ').trim();
166         reportError( Messages.format(Messages.UNEXPECTED_TEXT, str ), true );
167     }
168     protected final void unexpectedLeaveChild() throws SAXException {
169         // I believe this is really a bug of the compiler,
170         // since when an object spawns a child object, it must be "prepared"
171         // to receive this event.
172         dump();
173         throw new JAXBAssertionError( 
174             Messages.format( Messages.UNEXPECTED_LEAVE_CHILD ) );
175     }
176     /***
177      * This method is called by the generated derived class
178      * when a datatype parse method throws an exception.
179      */
180     protected void handleParseConversionException(Exception e) throws SAXException {
181         if( e instanceof RuntimeException )
182             throw (RuntimeException)e;  // don't catch the runtime exception. just let it go.
184         // wrap it into a ParseConversionEvent and report it
185         ParseConversionEvent pce = new ParseConversionEventImpl(
186             ValidationEvent.ERROR, e.getMessage(), 
187             new ValidationEventLocatorImpl(context.getLocator()), e );
188         context.handleEvent(pce,true);
189     }
192 //
193 //    
194 // spawn a new child object
195 //
196 //    
197     private UnmarshallingEventHandler spawnChild( Class clazz, int memento ) {
199         UnmarshallableObject child;
200         try {
201             child = (UnmarshallableObject)clazz.newInstance();
202         } catch (InstantiationException e) {
203             throw new InstantiationError(e.getMessage());
204         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
205             throw new IllegalAccessError(e.getMessage());
206         }
208         UnmarshallingEventHandler handler = child.createUnmarshaller(context);
209         context.pushContentHandler(handler,memento);
210         return handler;
211     }
213     protected final Object spawnChildFromEnterElement(Class clazz, int memento, String uri, String local, String qname, Attributes atts)
214             throws SAXException {
215         UnmarshallingEventHandler ueh = spawnChild(clazz,memento);
216         ueh.enterElement(uri,local,qname,atts);
217         return ueh.owner();
218     }
220     protected final Object spawnChildFromEnterAttribute(Class clazz, int memento, String uri, String local, String qname)
221             throws SAXException {
222         UnmarshallingEventHandler ueh = spawnChild(clazz,memento);
223         ueh.enterAttribute(uri,local,qname);
224         return ueh.owner();
225     }
227     protected final Object spawnChildFromText(Class clazz, int memento, String value)
228             throws SAXException {
229         UnmarshallingEventHandler ueh = spawnChild(clazz,memento);
230         ueh.text(value);
231         return ueh.owner();
232     }
234     // these methods can be used if a child object can be nullable
235     protected final Object spawnChildFromLeaveElement(Class clazz, int memento, String uri, String local, String qname)
236             throws SAXException {
237         UnmarshallingEventHandler ueh = spawnChild(clazz,memento);
238         ueh.leaveElement(uri,local,qname);
239         return ueh.owner();
240     }
242     protected final Object spawnChildFromLeaveAttribute(Class clazz, int memento, String uri, String local, String qname)
243             throws SAXException {
244         UnmarshallingEventHandler ueh = spawnChild(clazz,memento);
245         ueh.leaveAttribute(uri,local,qname);
246         return ueh.owner();
247     }
249     protected final Element spawnWildcard( int memento, String uri, String local, String qname, Attributes atts )
250             throws SAXException {
251         UnmarshallingEventHandler ueh = context.getGrammarInfo().createUnmarshaller(uri,local,context);
253         if(ueh!=null) {
254             context.pushContentHandler(ueh,memento);
255             ueh.enterElement(uri,local,qname,atts);
256             return (Element)ueh.owner();
257         } else {
258             // if no class is available to unmarshal this element, discard
259             // the sub-tree by feeding events to discarder.
260             context.pushContentHandler( new Discarder(context), memento );
261             context.getCurrentHandler().enterElement(uri,local,qname,atts);
262             return null;    // return null so that the discarder will be ignored
263         }
264     }
266 //
267 //    
268 // spawn a new child handler.
269 //      used for super class and RELAXNG interleave handling. 
270 //    
273     protected final void spawnHandlerFromEnterElement(
274         UnmarshallingEventHandler unm, int memento, String uri, String local, String qname, Attributes atts )
275             throws SAXException {
277         context.pushContentHandler(unm,memento);
278         unm.enterElement(uri,local,qname,atts);
279     }
281     protected final void spawnHandlerFromEnterAttribute(
282         UnmarshallingEventHandler unm, int memento, String uri, String local, String qname)
283             throws SAXException {
285         context.pushContentHandler(unm,memento);
286         unm.enterAttribute(uri,local,qname);
287     }
289     protected final void spawnHandlerFromFromText(
290         UnmarshallingEventHandler unm, int memento, String value)
291             throws SAXException {
293         context.pushContentHandler(unm,memento);
294         unm.text(value);
295     }
297     protected final void spawnHandlerFromLeaveElement(
298         UnmarshallingEventHandler unm, int memento, String uri, String local, String qname)
299             throws SAXException {
301         context.pushContentHandler(unm,memento);
302         unm.leaveElement(uri,local,qname);
303     }
305     protected final void spawnHandlerFromLeaveAttribute(
306         UnmarshallingEventHandler unm, int memento, String uri, String local, String qname)
307             throws SAXException {
309         context.pushContentHandler(unm,memento);
310         unm.leaveAttribute(uri,local,qname);
311     }
313     protected final void spawnHandlerFromText(
314         UnmarshallingEventHandler unm, int memento, String text )
315             throws SAXException {
317         context.pushContentHandler(unm,memento);
318         unm.text(text);
319     }
322 //
323 //    
324 // revert to parent
325 //
326 //    
327     protected final void revertToParentFromEnterElement(String uri,String local, String qname,Attributes atts)
328             throws SAXException {
329         context.popContentHandler();
330         context.getCurrentHandler().enterElement(uri,local,qname,atts);
331     }
332     protected final void revertToParentFromLeaveElement(String uri,String local, String qname)
333             throws SAXException {
334         context.popContentHandler();
335         context.getCurrentHandler().leaveElement(uri,local,qname);
336     }
337     protected final void revertToParentFromEnterAttribute(String uri,String local, String qname)
338             throws SAXException {
339         context.popContentHandler();
340         context.getCurrentHandler().enterAttribute(uri,local,qname);
341     }
342     protected final void revertToParentFromLeaveAttribute(String uri,String local, String qname)
343             throws SAXException {
344         context.popContentHandler();
345         context.getCurrentHandler().leaveAttribute(uri,local,qname);
346     }
347     protected final void revertToParentFromText(String value)
348             throws SAXException {
349         context.popContentHandler();
350         context.getCurrentHandler().text(value);
351     }
352 }