9 package net.sf.jour.rt.view.config;
12 /***
13 * This object contains factory methods for each
14 * Java content interface and Java element interface
15 * generated in the net.sf.jour.rt.view.config package.
16 * <p>An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically
17 * construct new instances of the Java representation
18 * for XML content. The Java representation of XML
19 * content can consist of schema derived interfaces
20 * and classes representing the binding of schema
21 * type definitions, element declarations and model
22 * groups. Factory methods for each of these are
23 * provided in this class.
24 *
25 */
26 public class ObjectFactory
27 extends net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.runtime.DefaultJAXBContextImpl
28 {
30 private static java.util.HashMap defaultImplementations = new java.util.HashMap(36, 0.75F);
31 private static java.util.HashMap rootTagMap = new java.util.HashMap();
32 public final static net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.runtime.GrammarInfo grammarInfo = new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.runtime.GrammarInfoImpl(rootTagMap, defaultImplementations, (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.ObjectFactory.class));
33 public final static java.lang.Class version = (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.JAXBVersion.class);
35 static {
36 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Methods.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.MethodsImpl");
37 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.FilterType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.FilterTypeImpl");
38 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.SignatureType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.SignatureTypeImpl");
39 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.AutoreloadType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.AutoreloadTypeImpl");
40 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Accumulation.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.AccumulationImpl");
41 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Autoreload.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.AutoreloadImpl");
42 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Classes.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.ClassesImpl");
43 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.ClassnamesType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.ClassnamesTypeImpl");
44 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.MethodsType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.MethodsTypeImpl");
45 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.IncludeType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.IncludeTypeImpl");
46 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Methodsignature.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.MethodsignatureImpl");
47 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.TimeType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.TimeTypeImpl");
48 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Signature.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.SignatureImpl");
49 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Time.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.TimeImpl");
50 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Trim.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.TrimImpl");
51 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.ClassesType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.ClassesTypeImpl");
52 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.JourViewType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.JourViewTypeImpl");
53 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Filter.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.FilterImpl");
54 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.AccumulationType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.AccumulationTypeImpl");
55 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.ExcludeType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.ExcludeTypeImpl");
56 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.MethodsignatureType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.MethodsignatureTypeImpl");
57 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.TrimType.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.TrimTypeImpl");
58 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Classnames.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.ClassnamesImpl");
59 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.JourView.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.JourViewImpl");
60 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Include.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.IncludeImpl");
61 defaultImplementations.put((net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Exclude.class), "net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.ExcludeImpl");
62 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "autoreload"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Autoreload.class));
63 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "classnames"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Classnames.class));
64 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "trim"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Trim.class));
65 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "time"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Time.class));
66 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "exclude"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Exclude.class));
67 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "include"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Include.class));
68 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "methodsignature"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Methodsignature.class));
69 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "filter"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Filter.class));
70 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "jour_view"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.JourView.class));
71 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "signature"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Signature.class));
72 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "accumulation"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Accumulation.class));
73 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "methods"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Methods.class));
74 rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "classes"), (net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Classes.class));
75 }
77 /***
78 * Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: net.sf.jour.rt.view.config
79 *
80 */
81 public ObjectFactory() {
82 super(grammarInfo);
83 }
85 /***
86 * Create an instance of the specified Java content interface.
87 *
88 * @param javaContentInterface
89 * the Class object of the javacontent interface to instantiate
90 * @return
91 * a new instance
92 * @throws JAXBException
93 * if an error occurs
94 */
95 public java.lang.Object newInstance(java.lang.Class javaContentInterface)
96 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
97 {
98 return super.newInstance(javaContentInterface);
99 }
101 /***
102 * Get the specified property. This method can only be
103 * used to get provider specific properties.
104 * Attempting to get an undefined property will result
105 * in a PropertyException being thrown.
106 *
107 * @param name
108 * the name of the property to retrieve
109 * @return
110 * the value of the requested property
111 * @throws PropertyException
112 * when there is an error retrieving the given property or value
113 */
114 public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String name)
115 throws javax.xml.bind.PropertyException
116 {
117 return super.getProperty(name);
118 }
120 /***
121 * Set the specified property. This method can only be
122 * used to set provider specific properties.
123 * Attempting to set an undefined property will result
124 * in a PropertyException being thrown.
125 *
126 * @param value
127 * the value of the property to be set
128 * @param name
129 * the name of the property to retrieve
130 * @throws PropertyException
131 * when there is an error processing the given property or value
132 */
133 public void setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
134 throws javax.xml.bind.PropertyException
135 {
136 super.setProperty(name, value);
137 }
139 /***
140 * Create an instance of Methods
141 *
142 * @throws JAXBException
143 * if an error occurs
144 */
145 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Methods createMethods()
146 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
147 {
148 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.MethodsImpl();
149 }
151 /***
152 * Create an instance of FilterType
153 *
154 * @throws JAXBException
155 * if an error occurs
156 */
157 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.FilterType createFilterType()
158 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
159 {
160 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.FilterTypeImpl();
161 }
163 /***
164 * Create an instance of SignatureType
165 *
166 * @throws JAXBException
167 * if an error occurs
168 */
169 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.SignatureType createSignatureType()
170 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
171 {
172 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.SignatureTypeImpl();
173 }
175 /***
176 * Create an instance of AutoreloadType
177 *
178 * @throws JAXBException
179 * if an error occurs
180 */
181 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.AutoreloadType createAutoreloadType()
182 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
183 {
184 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.AutoreloadTypeImpl();
185 }
187 /***
188 * Create an instance of Accumulation
189 *
190 * @throws JAXBException
191 * if an error occurs
192 */
193 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Accumulation createAccumulation()
194 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
195 {
196 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.AccumulationImpl();
197 }
199 /***
200 * Create an instance of Autoreload
201 *
202 * @throws JAXBException
203 * if an error occurs
204 */
205 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Autoreload createAutoreload()
206 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
207 {
208 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.AutoreloadImpl();
209 }
211 /***
212 * Create an instance of Classes
213 *
214 * @throws JAXBException
215 * if an error occurs
216 */
217 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Classes createClasses()
218 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
219 {
220 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.ClassesImpl();
221 }
223 /***
224 * Create an instance of ClassnamesType
225 *
226 * @throws JAXBException
227 * if an error occurs
228 */
229 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.ClassnamesType createClassnamesType()
230 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
231 {
232 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.ClassnamesTypeImpl();
233 }
235 /***
236 * Create an instance of MethodsType
237 *
238 * @throws JAXBException
239 * if an error occurs
240 */
241 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.MethodsType createMethodsType()
242 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
243 {
244 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.MethodsTypeImpl();
245 }
247 /***
248 * Create an instance of IncludeType
249 *
250 * @throws JAXBException
251 * if an error occurs
252 */
253 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.IncludeType createIncludeType()
254 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
255 {
256 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.IncludeTypeImpl();
257 }
259 /***
260 * Create an instance of Methodsignature
261 *
262 * @throws JAXBException
263 * if an error occurs
264 */
265 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Methodsignature createMethodsignature()
266 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
267 {
268 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.MethodsignatureImpl();
269 }
271 /***
272 * Create an instance of TimeType
273 *
274 * @throws JAXBException
275 * if an error occurs
276 */
277 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.TimeType createTimeType()
278 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
279 {
280 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.TimeTypeImpl();
281 }
283 /***
284 * Create an instance of Signature
285 *
286 * @throws JAXBException
287 * if an error occurs
288 */
289 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Signature createSignature()
290 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
291 {
292 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.SignatureImpl();
293 }
295 /***
296 * Create an instance of Time
297 *
298 * @throws JAXBException
299 * if an error occurs
300 */
301 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Time createTime()
302 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
303 {
304 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.TimeImpl();
305 }
307 /***
308 * Create an instance of Trim
309 *
310 * @throws JAXBException
311 * if an error occurs
312 */
313 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Trim createTrim()
314 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
315 {
316 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.TrimImpl();
317 }
319 /***
320 * Create an instance of ClassesType
321 *
322 * @throws JAXBException
323 * if an error occurs
324 */
325 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.ClassesType createClassesType()
326 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
327 {
328 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.ClassesTypeImpl();
329 }
331 /***
332 * Create an instance of JourViewType
333 *
334 * @throws JAXBException
335 * if an error occurs
336 */
337 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.JourViewType createJourViewType()
338 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
339 {
340 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.JourViewTypeImpl();
341 }
343 /***
344 * Create an instance of Filter
345 *
346 * @throws JAXBException
347 * if an error occurs
348 */
349 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Filter createFilter()
350 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
351 {
352 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.FilterImpl();
353 }
355 /***
356 * Create an instance of AccumulationType
357 *
358 * @throws JAXBException
359 * if an error occurs
360 */
361 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.AccumulationType createAccumulationType()
362 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
363 {
364 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.AccumulationTypeImpl();
365 }
367 /***
368 * Create an instance of ExcludeType
369 *
370 * @throws JAXBException
371 * if an error occurs
372 */
373 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.ExcludeType createExcludeType()
374 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
375 {
376 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.ExcludeTypeImpl();
377 }
379 /***
380 * Create an instance of MethodsignatureType
381 *
382 * @throws JAXBException
383 * if an error occurs
384 */
385 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.MethodsignatureType createMethodsignatureType()
386 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
387 {
388 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.MethodsignatureTypeImpl();
389 }
391 /***
392 * Create an instance of TrimType
393 *
394 * @throws JAXBException
395 * if an error occurs
396 */
397 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.TrimType createTrimType()
398 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
399 {
400 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.TrimTypeImpl();
401 }
403 /***
404 * Create an instance of Classnames
405 *
406 * @throws JAXBException
407 * if an error occurs
408 */
409 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Classnames createClassnames()
410 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
411 {
412 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.ClassnamesImpl();
413 }
415 /***
416 * Create an instance of JourView
417 *
418 * @throws JAXBException
419 * if an error occurs
420 */
421 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.JourView createJourView()
422 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
423 {
424 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.JourViewImpl();
425 }
427 /***
428 * Create an instance of Include
429 *
430 * @throws JAXBException
431 * if an error occurs
432 */
433 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Include createInclude()
434 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
435 {
436 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.IncludeImpl();
437 }
439 /***
440 * Create an instance of Exclude
441 *
442 * @throws JAXBException
443 * if an error occurs
444 */
445 public net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.Exclude createExclude()
446 throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
447 {
448 return new net.sf.jour.rt.view.config.impl.ExcludeImpl();
449 }
451 }